Friday, March 31, 2006


Sometimes life is just too good that we need to find something wrong with it. In finding that dark cloud beyond the silver lining, we see ourselves as normal and wash away the guilt of having more
than other people.

It's your first day at a new job. You're still a bit short on cash, so you need to walk to the office. It's a hot day.

a. No sweat. As soon as I get my paycheck, I'll have some extra money for the bus fare. And hey, I am reporting for WORK.

b. Jeez but it's hot out. Being poor sucks. Look at those schmucks in them airconditioned buses. Life isn't fair, dammit.

5-point bonus: Identify those less-fortunate than you are.

2. You get your paycheck and now have money for the bus fare. You can now take the bus to the office.

a. Right. I don't have to walk to the office anymore. This means I can wake up a bit later and get some more rest. And hey, I've got another paycheck to look forward to.

b. Public transportation bites the big one. The buses are cramped and the airconditioner's not working properly. Look at those schmucks sitting pretty in taxis. Life isn't fair, dammit.

5-point bonus: Identify those less-fortunate than you are.

3. After 6 months, you get regular employee status and the commensurate pay increase. Taking a cab to work is now possible.

a. This is nice. The seating's comfortable and I can get off right at the building's main entrance. And hey, provided I work hard, a promotion is now possible.

b. Crap. Nothing is as stressful as fighting with a dozen other drones for one taxi. Look at those schmucks sitting pretty in their cars. Life isn't fair, dammit.

5-point bonus: Identify those less-fortunate than you are.

4. Two years pass, and you've made real progress within the company. You're in mid-management and can avail of the company's car plan.

a. Wow! Who'd have thought two years ago I had to walk to the office?

b. Goddamned traffic is pissing me off; and I'm driving a Toyota. Look at those BMW-riding schmucks. Life isn't fair, dammit.

5-point bonus: Identify those less-fortunate than you are.

Scoring: Give yourself 10 points for each question you answered with choice A. For each question you answer with choice B, you get 1 point.

60 points = Well done.

4 points = You suck, but I'm sure you'll find someone who sucks more than you do.


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