Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Today's Special

Porridge a' la Sandsterini.

A tablespoon of rice cooked in six cups of water, flavored with a dash of salt and infused with fresh mama's milk. Served with a ton of love on the side.

Sandy had her first taste of solid food yesterday, and man, did she do a good job eating. It was like she'd been doing it all her life. Her chewing technique was impeccable. The pure athleticism she displayed in the all important grab-spoon-from mommy-and-spill-food-all-over-everything maneuver was glorious to watch. She also had no problems keeping the food down, the defining characteristic of a champion, ein weltmeister.


Blogger Olive Joy said...

your kid looks so pleasantly bewildered by her new food - she makes me want to remember how solid food feels like for the first time!

9:58 AM  

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