Friday, July 04, 2008


Late last night as I was trying to sleep, I went on one of my usual fantasy binges and thought of the places I’d like to see even once before I kicked the bucket. Majority of them are in Europe (well, Italy): Maranello (pilgrimage), Monza, Florence, Milan, Venice, Palermo, and Rome. I’d also like to hit Geneva, Vienna, Amsterdam, Spa, Barcelona, Lisbon, and Prague.

Across the pond, there’s Liverpool, London, Edinburgh, Dublin, and maybe Cardiff. The North American leg includes Montreal, New York (GO YANKS! GO KNICKS! We'll be back on our feet real soon...), New Orleans, Memphis, Chicago, and Jackson (MI).

On the whole I’d like to follow the Formula 1 circus around the globe and possibly spend some time in New Zealand as a breather. Here in the PI? Any place north and 4,000 feet above sea level.


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