Monday, December 17, 2007

Luntian at Iba pa.

If I wasn’t so much of a motorhead, I’d like to go on the record and say that I love the environment and that if it weren’t for my work, I’d be hugging trees and kissing grass 24/7. But being a fan of one of the biggest contributors to air pollution and claiming to care for the planet is something I just can’t digest. It’s hypocritical, and I effing HATE liars. But if they find a greener way to go about motorsport, I’ll be all for it.

Seriously, caring for the earth is beyond being just a noble cause; it is the ultimate cause. Well, that is unless you care enough to leave only a steaming pile of garbage for your children to play in. Enter Green and More. GNM is an online shop that offers environmental products that go beyond people’s perceptions of what earth-friendly should be. I totally dig the fact that they’ve made a wide range of green products available to everyone. When I say “wide range”, I mean wide range. They carry everything from solar panels to eco-friendly kid furniture. Yes, eco-friendly kid furniture. Seeing what state the planet is currently in, I reckon them being around can only be a good thing.

live greener products


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