Monday, January 05, 2009

Coming Up Roses

I think my younger brother's finally starting to find his rhythm. After what seemed like an eternity of goofing around and generally acting like everyone in the entire universe owed him a favor, he's wised up and started a small business. From what I hear, business is good and he's not unhappy about the hours and being his own boss, either. He's got what you may call minor issues with authority figures, as evidenced by the sheer number of jobs he's rifled through (sales jobs, desk jobs, manual labor, you name it) so it's great that he's seemed to have found a niche. I'm thrilled for him. For the first time in a long while, I can see pride in his eyes again and his step has a confident bounce to it. Looks like we're in for a good year.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Wednesday! Bloghoppin' here... Hey, I have an interesting tutorial for you that I have written myself. It is about adding Adsense on your Single Post in XML template. I hope you'll like it! God Bless you!

6:44 PM  

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