Thursday, August 28, 2008

Tip # 0917

Finally purchasing an automobile is one thing, finding the resources for its upkeep is another. See there’s obviously fuel expenses, you’ll also need tools, cleaning accessories, and other bits and bobs that are not necessities, mind you, but still seemingly indispensible. Then there are maintenance costs: oil changes, tune ups, the odd shoddy suspension replacement, and the other 10 tons of car parts you’re likely to need as your vehicle ages. I write as a friend has suddenly found himself with enough money to get a vehicle in the pre-owned range. The basic rule, aside from all the other basic rules, in buying second hand cars is so simple: try to get as new/young a car as you can get. It ain’t fun spending an equal amount for maintenance and monthly payments. Tip courtesy of Bitoy F. Hernandez.


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