Tuesday, May 13, 2008

None The Wiser

“Hey man, did you hear about Francis? Word on the street is he’s on the straight and narrow now. Blind Louie Parker says he landed a gig at the airport.”

“Really? Wow, imagine that: Francis the Freak landing a nine-to-fiver. What’d they say he did over there?”

“Not sure what the job’s called, exactly, but I heard it had to do with keeping track of them planes as they flew. You know, like checking where they was all the time an’ stuff.”

“You mean like plotting them planes on a chart or sum’n? Yeah I know what they call that job. Looks like old Francis is now a jet charter man.”

“You sure that’s what it’s called? Sounds funny to me.”

“Do I look like I’m trying to get a laugh outta you? Sheesh. You ignorant fool.”


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