Wednesday, December 19, 2007


It’s amazing how new markets and business opportunities are created by enterprising minds on an almost daily basis. First, people wanted to save money on providing after sales services for their products so they decided to outsource these services. Call centers were born. With these BPO-oriented organizations conducting their businesses at night, their employees needed places to eat, drink, and shop late at night and in the wee hours of the morning. There was then a marked increase in the number of 24-hour convenience stores and restaurants. The latest link in this chain is the evolution of the “dayclub”. Call center kids get off work very early in the morning and most of the time they, like their day-walking counterparts, need a place to unwind. Clever bar owners decided to get a piece of this consumer pie by having an early morning shift. These clubs/bars open at 4am and offer everything their night-bound cousins do, including live entertainment.

Now, with home theater apparently peaking, comes a new stage in its product evolution: home theater chairs. It’s sad because the way things are going, there’ll be home theater toilet seats by the time I get enough money to get me a decent home theater system.

Space 4 Rent

I took a look at my ever-growing archive of photographs and was a bit surprised to find that I had amassed approximately 16GB worth of images in the span of 14 months. It is starting to become an issue as the amount of HD space consumed is no joke (it’s 6GB more than the maximum HDD space on some older desktops). The solution is fairly simple, actually. Well, the “object” of the solution is; convincing dah Missuz that we need an external hard drive is another thing.


Copyright Sherwin Ian S. Reyes

Monday, December 17, 2007


Dear Santa,

I am happy to inform you, and all your reindeer
That I have been a good gadget geek all year.
I bought every new item that came out,
Posted reviews that no one could doubt.
Across fora and message boards,
in front of my one friend, and the occasional horde.
My voice was heard loud and clear,
My opinion, everyone held loved and dear.
I told them my finds were worth a hundred kings' riches,
especially, a personal favorite, my HDMI switches


p.s.I’ll expect a copy of “Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower” no later than 1am on Christmas Eve.

Section 2, Col. 4

On his 21st birthday, the Mercados gave their unico hijo something to tide him over, well, for the rest of his life. Alfredo and Moning were the owners of the largest real estate development conglomerate in the country, and decided to let a then shy, introverted Alberto take on the challenge of running his own business. They gave him one of their companies, Telco Land, lock, stock, and barrel. A real estate franchise, if you will. Now, four acquisitions and two mergers later, Telco Land now registers the highest revenues for ANM Holdings, Inc.

Plaza, 4.30pm

Copyright Sherwin Ian S. Reyes

Mission Compound, 1pm

Copyright Sherwin Ian S. Reyes

St. Mary's, 11am

Copyright Sherwin Ian S. Reyes

Yoghurt House, 10am

Copyright Sherwin Ian S. Reyes

Echo Valley, 9am

Copyright V. Roberto P. Reyes III

Echo Valley, 8.15am

Copyright Sherwin Ian S. Reyes

Ganduyan, 7am

Copyright Sherwin Ian S. Reyes

Luntian at Iba pa.

If I wasn’t so much of a motorhead, I’d like to go on the record and say that I love the environment and that if it weren’t for my work, I’d be hugging trees and kissing grass 24/7. But being a fan of one of the biggest contributors to air pollution and claiming to care for the planet is something I just can’t digest. It’s hypocritical, and I effing HATE liars. But if they find a greener way to go about motorsport, I’ll be all for it.

Seriously, caring for the earth is beyond being just a noble cause; it is the ultimate cause. Well, that is unless you care enough to leave only a steaming pile of garbage for your children to play in. Enter Green and More. GNM is an online shop that offers environmental products that go beyond people’s perceptions of what earth-friendly should be. I totally dig the fact that they’ve made a wide range of green products available to everyone. When I say “wide range”, I mean wide range. They carry everything from solar panels to eco-friendly kid furniture. Yes, eco-friendly kid furniture. Seeing what state the planet is currently in, I reckon them being around can only be a good thing.

live greener products

Siyam Nga Bulan

How to say “maternity clothing” in 7 languages:

Dutch: moederschaps kleding
French: habillement de maternité
German: mutterschafts-kleidung
Italian: vestiti di maternità
Portuguese: roupa de maternidade
Spanish: ropa de maternidad
Filipino: kasuotang pambuntis

I guess whatever language you say it in, it’s something pretty special. I’m positive that as much as mommies-in-waiting whine and moan about it, they really don’t care about having several different waistlines over a 9-month period. When it comes to having a baby, I think Jimi got it wrong: it IS the destination, not the trip.


I’m a big fan of how lighting changes the appearance of a room/area. Well, lighting in general. I like lamps, flood lights, flashlights, bulbs, etc. I’m not sure why, but I just immediately think that there is always space in the house for one more lamp every time I pass by lighting stores. There are even times when it doesn’t have to be a light shop—the hardware section of a supermarket is enough to get me started. I think I may have lived in the dark ages in one of my past lives. (*rimshot)


There was a young lady who spent all her time
Trying to find a piece of land to mine
Her sister learned of this and told her to wait
For she had a claim to some Wilmington NC real estate
The young lady heeded her sister’s plea
And literally sat by the window and waited idly
She waited for days, months, and years
Till one day she said, “Never mind this mining thing, I’ll go raise me some steer.”

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Copyright Sherwin Ian S. Reyes

5 Gives

The year’s about to end, and for me, Q4 means it is once again time to fork over the cash and make my annual life insurance premium payment. I got a five-year payment deal, and I’m on my fourth year. One more year to go, after which I’ll probably take out another policy anyway. I need to make sure dah Missuz and my little princess will do OK should anything happen to me. One question, though: Isn’t the term life insurance a bit misleading? I mean (in a morbid, twisted kind of way), after all, policy holders get paid to die and not to live. So shouldn’t it then be called death insurance?

Jeb's Used Cars

With a stiff upper lip, he turned to his brothers and sisters and quipped:

"I know you will surely miss me, but do not fret for I am going no further than Branson Missouri.
It is not like I am off to war, I am your brother Jebediah and all I do is sell used cars.
When I collect my commission and my seller’s fee, I shall head east-on to Tennessee.
After my business is done in Chattanooga, I’ll move on right down south to Alabama.
Now Florida, I might skip, but I’ll as sure as lightning see the Mississip’.
And when I get there I’ll eat some beans, and send y’all a postcard from New Orleans."


I learned something interesting over the weekend. A doctor-friend and I were having merienda when the issue of nutrition came up. Multivitamin adverts littered the mall we were at, so I asked him if vitamins, like their ads claimed, were a necessity and if they really had a significant effect on one’s health and well-being. I received a curt “No.” My good buddy apparently took issue with the hype surrounding nutritional supplements nowadays. He went on to say that as usual, people are looking for short cuts; and that all one needed to be healthy was a nutritious, balanced diet and exercise. It’s as simple as that, he said. “If you don’t eat well,” he added, “get enough rest and exercise, no amount of vitamin supplements will make you complete. No matter what Mr. Pascual says.”

Friday, December 07, 2007


Aren’t dvd subtitles just a thing of beauty? Ever since Sandy’s been in the house, (well, almost all and not just talk) shows on mute have been de rigueur. I swear to God--that kid has the hearing of a bat. I think any sound that’s barely discernible is, to her, the equivalent of an atom bomb going off next door. So there, praise be to the inventor of the movie subtitle. And headphones.

Desk Mess

The holidays are here again and one thing I absolutely love about this season, being a hoard freak, is the sometimes inordinate amount of gifts and tokens one receives over the course of four to five weeks. I particularly like the small things you wouldn’t normally go out of your way to get: memo pads, all sorts of writing paraphernalia (yes, I get a kick out of them advertising pens), calendars and planners, and pretty much anything that serves as desk clutter come March. I suppose I just have to hope someone gives me a storage bin or desk organizer.